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Kicking and Banning

When a user is kicked/banned from your server, Yin will attempt to send them a message notifying them about the action.

You can change the footer of the message with the next two commands:

Base Command: footer

Usage: This will edit the last line that gets added to the kick/ban notification message. Using the base command by itself prints the current footers for both ban and kick notifications.

Command: footer set_kick <new footer> | footer set_ban <new footer>

Usage: This will change either the kick or ban notification footer.

And the result:


Command: kick <user> <reason>

Usage: This will remove a user from your guild, with the ability for them to join back


  • The <user> part of the command can be either a mention, an id, or a manual mention <@id>
  • You will have 10 seconds to type confirm in order to kick the user
  • While there is no limit on how long a reason can be - only 500 chars will be added to audit log


Base Command: ban <user> <reason>

Usage: This will remove a user from your guild permanently


  • The <user> part of the command can be either a mention, an id, or a manual mention <@id>
  • You will have 10 seconds to type confirm in order to ban the user
  • While there is no limit on how long a reason can be - only 500 chars will be added to audit log


Base Command: unban <user> <reason>

Usage: This will unban a previously banned user from your guild


  • The <user> part of the command can be either a mention, an id, or a manual mention <@id>
  • You will have 10 seconds to type confirm in order to ban the user
  • While there is no limit on how long a reason can be - only 500 chars will be added to audit log

Mass Message Deletion

Command: purge (<number of messages>) (<user to focus>)

Usage: This will remove the number of specified messages from a channel. You can add a user to only remove messages from that user.


  • The default amount of messages to purge is 100